The cost of solar panels can seem high to begin with, but with the UK government slashing VAT and other incentives such as the Home Energy Scotland grant and interest free loans, it’s a worthwhile investment for Scottish homeowners. And, once your solar panel system reaches its breakeven point, you can expect to see significant savings on your electricity bills.

In fact, on average, Scottish households using solar power could cut their electricity bills by 62%, with the system paying for itself within 15 years through these savings alone. But, the benefits don’t stop there – solar energy is a renewable source of power that will help reduce your carbon footprint too.

Solar panels (also known as photovoltaics or PV) generate renewable electricity from sunlight by converting it into direct current through the semi-conductor cells. This is then converted into alternating current (AC) through the solar inverter, which can be used to power appliances throughout your home. And, when you have surplus electricity that can’t be used, the system will automatically feed it back into the grid to help generate an income for your home.

It is a common myth that solar panels don’t work in Scotland, but this simply isn’t the case. In fact, solar panels can generate up to 70% of your energy needs and can reduce your reliance on the grid completely.

What’s more, solar panels don’t need direct sunlight to operate and can even produce energy on cloudy days. That said, they are more effective on a south-facing roof.

If you live in Scotland and are thinking about solar panel grants Scotland, it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest funding. This is because the latest version of the ECO 4 Energy Efficiency Grants programme offers up to PS7,000 for various energy-saving measures, including installing solar panels, insulation, and replacing boilers, according to government-outlined eligibility criteria on its official website.

This scheme is available to households who claim benefits or are on a low income, and families who rent their homes. The programme also includes the Smart Export Guarantee, which allows those with solar panels to receive payments for any surplus electricity they export to the grid.

The cost of a solar system can be reduced further by shopping around for quotes. With GreenMatch, you can get up to four competitively priced quotes from different installers by completing one simple form. You can compare quotes from national companies as well as regional and local installers who are able to offer more tailored service. Once you’ve found a quote that works for you, all you need to do is book an installation appointment and start reaping the rewards of your renewable energy investment.